Page 158 - Introduction to Tourism
P. 158

The  world  is  divided  into  nations,  which  in  turn

               commonly  consist  of  regions,  states/  provinces,  and

               urban centers (cities/municipalities).
               In  addition  to  a  geographic  classification,  tourism

               organizations can also be classified by ownership, such

               as  government,  quasi  government,  or  private;  by
               function  or  type  of  activity,  such  as  regulators,

               suppliers,     marketers,      developers,       consultants,

               researchers,      educators,     publishers,    professional

               associations,  trade  organizations,  and  consumer
               organizations; by industry, such as transportation (air,

               bus, rail, auto, cruise), travel agents, tour wholesalers,

               lodging,  attractions,  and  recreation;  and  by  profit  or

               The purpose of Chapters 4 through 8 is to discuss the

               major  types  of  tourist  organizations  and  how  they

               interrelate  and  operate,  focusing  on  illustrative
               examples.  The  discussion  begins  with  official

               international  tourism  groups  in  this  chapter  and  ends

               with  the  private organizations and firms that make up
               the tourism industry.



               United  Nations  World  Tourism


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