Page 159 - Introduction to Tourism
P. 159
The United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) is the most widely recognized and the
leading international organization in the fi eld of travel
and tourism today. It serves as a global forum for
tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism
know - how. Its membership includes 150 countries
and territories and more than 300 affiliate members
representing local government, tourism associations,
educational institutions, and private - sector
companies, including airlines, hotel groups, and tour
operators. With its headquarters in Madrid, UNWTO is
a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN). UN
specialized agency status entitles UNWTO to
participate as a full member in the United Nations
System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
(CEB), which elaborates system - wide strategies in
response to overall intergovernmental directives on
economic cooperation and development. UNWTO ’ s
participation will enable it to highlight the role of tourism
in support of socioeconomic development and the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
The specialized agencies function on an autonomous
basis, with their own charter, budget, governing boards,
staff, and publishing operations. They make annual or
biennial reports to the Economic and Social Council.
The General Assembly can examine their budgets and