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P. 20



            STEP 7D

            The spring spacing is critical to provide an
            even distribution of tension on the flexible

                    12" to 36" tall sign cabinet
                     Spring spacing - 9" apart

                    40" to 60" tall sign cabinet
                     Spring spacing - 8" apart

            At the insertion of a new rod, place a spring
            within two inches on both sides of the break.

            STEP 8

            Spring tension six feet of the flexible fascia
            on the top and bottom extrusion. This will
            give the horizontal stretchers enough tension
            to pull against.

            STEP 9

            Small puckers can be worked out by
            clamping the provided horizontal stretchers
            to the flexible fascia hem with the inserted
            rod. Gently tap the horizontal stretchers
            with a hammer until the pucker disappears.

                                                           PAGE 19
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            Email Us Online:
            System 90™ US Patent #5044102
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