Page 1 - SBrewing(March2021)
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                                                MARCH. 2021 | VOL. 15

                                   S O M E T H I N G ' S

                                          B R E W I N G

                                                    P a r t n e r s

                                                      E d      i t i o n

                          T R A D E   N E W S ,   I N S I G H T   A N D   C O M M E N T   F R O M   T H E
                                  B E V E R A G E   S T A N D A R D S   A S S O C I A T I O N

               Why become a member?                                     WELCOMING OUR NEW

               Galvanised buying power and sales opportunities
               via our partnership with Zero Procure
               Networking opportunities
               Promote you and your business in the services
               City & Guilds VRQ Barista Training when suitable
               Regional meetings or join our regular on-line
               Discounted rates for training course
               Use of BSA logo and accreditations
               Reduced rates for BSA affiliated and run Trade
               BSA website access
               Free technical helpline

            Take part & join in what your association is involved
            in and you will be part of a growing and vibrant
            business which is working hard to develop and
            promote 'Raising Standards'.

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