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MARCH. 2021 | VOL. 15
DECEMBER. 2020 | VOL. 12
Caffe Culture Show, Open for Business
This years’ Caffè Culture Show is all about giving the We will be having a greater focus on specialty tea
coffee and wider hospitality industry the support it with a dedicated Brew Bar and competition area
so desperately needs. After the devastating impact and far more opportunities for business owners
of the coronavirus, and the maddening stop-start and staff to get practical skills training via our BSA
nature of the past 12 months, the outlook for the workshops.
second half of 2021 is starting to look and feel
more optimistic with the momentum of the We are delighted to continue our long-running
vaccination programme and Boris’s recently association with the SCA, who will be hosting 2
announced roadmap for recovery. days of barista competitions and with Nick Mabey
at Assembly Coffee who will be curating the 3rd
This is great news for the industry. Although we will edition of the popular Coffee Studies ‘Ted-style’
continue to live with certain social distancing Talks Programme.
measures and the ubiquitous masks for some time,
businesses will be able to once again re-open and After its successful launch in 2019, the Roaster’s
get back to doing what they do best. It also means Forum will be back with a fantastic line-up of
we, as tradeshow organisers, can provide a unique international growers and producers which will
and timely opportunity to get the industry up-and- be alongside VA’s Roasters Village, where visitors
running again whilst simultaneously reconnecting will be able to taste coffee from some of the UK’s
old friends and clients at the show after months of finest Roastery’s. Another new feature will be
relentless Zoom calls! CaffèInsights Live, which will be the live version of
our video series launched during the pandemic
where business owners talked about how they
were able to pivot and successfully navigate the
Register for show updates
The show’s full programme, including some
additional new features, will be announced in the
coming months, so look out for our regular
updates. To keep up to date with all Caffè Culture
news, you can register on our website –
What’s new?
Despite the lockdown playing havoc with the
rescheduling of the event, Caffè Culture is in a very Want to take part?
With just over 6 months to the show, we still have
healthy position, with a great mix of brands already
on-board who largely rebooked after the 2019 some stand space available so please contact
Elliot Gard on 07900 567 684 /
show. This means we already have a strong
foundation to build upon. if your
company is interested in participating in what will
be the industry’s first major coffee event of 2021.
Being an information-led event, a host of new and
existing features will be available to our visitors.