Page 8 - SBrewing(March2021)
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MARCH. 2021 | VOL. 15
Farrer's New Season
Coffees for 2021
John Farrer & Co of Kendal have been going about
their business for over 200 years and every year
without fail they spend time carefully selecting
coffees for the season ahead.
This year is no exception, despite all that has been
thrown at us in the last few months. Farrerʼs
dedicated team of staff have selected their coffees
for 2021 and the first batch of 22 metric tonnes The coffees the company has just received have
been specially selected from Colombia, Brazil,
arrived earlier this week.
Vietnam, Honduras, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and El
The delivery contains examples of a range of classic
flavours, some more unusual selections, and Salvador. As you might imagine, each of these
countries has its own environmental and climatic
coffees that have key attributes of specific blends characteristics, but of course each region within
that Farrerʼs are renowned for. Each one has been
carefully selected through a series of rigorous those countries does too, all combining to play a
“cuppings” (tastings), by the team at Farrerʼs, who significant part in the flavour profile of the
between them have over 60 years of coffee coffees the roasters at Farrer's create.
This new batch of coffees will provide Farrer's
customers with a great selection of styles and
There are well over 100 species of coffee, but only
two that are commonly grown - Arabica and flavours to try, whilst the experience of the
roasters in selecting the correct level from dark
Robusta. In general terms, Arabica delivers brighter
citrus flavours with a lighter body, while Robusta to light, will ensure that every one of the coffees
has a more earthy and stringent flavour, with a they craft contains vibrancy and depth in each
deep rich body. These two main beans have cup.
numerous different sub-varieties, cousins if you Dave Walsh, Farrerʼs General Manager,
will, all of which have varying degrees of complexity
within their flavour profiles, which makes the job of commented:
choosing coffees to roast both interesting and "Weʼve gone about the business of creating great
coffees for over two centuries, this year is no
exception. Our large network of producers helps
As a company Farrer's works with farms around the
globe to source the coffees beans, we roast in to ensure that we have regular access to some of
creating our coffees, working with small holdings, the most interesting and best coffees produced
anywhere, including small single origin batches.
right up to large scale community run co-
operatives, all the while ensuring that we source Once we get the beans here to Kendal, it is the
the best quality ingredients whilst paying the job of our craft roasters to make sure we do our
growers a fair price. job and provide our customers with some truly
stunning coffees. This level of expertise helped
us in winning 3 Great Taste Awards in 2020 as we
To find out more about Farrer's visit their continue to grow and develop what we do as a
website: company.ʼʼ