Page 16 - SBrewing(Dec2020)
P. 16

Page 16                                               

                                                                                    DECEMBER. 2020 | VOL. 12

     Barista Training;

     widening the skills


     Martyn  Herriott, BSA's Head of Centre

     Visiting our favourite local café or

     restaurant has become somewhat of a
     challenge during the on-going pandemic.

     However, when you are ordering an
     americano or a latte have your thought

     about all the other drinks a Barista must
     know about and be able to serve?

     Facts to whet your appetite

     So, what hot beverage would you like to
     know more about? It could be coffee. Or

     how about tea? For me, I have been
     fascinated by the history of chocolate and
     cocoa. With Britain as a nation of chocolate

     lovers, we eat an estimated 660,900 tonnes
     of chocolate a year, an average of 11kg per                Hot chocolate in the Out of Home
     person per year. This equates to about 3                   market

     bars a week. And the honour of the most                    Nevertheless, how does hot chocolate
     popular chocolate bar in 2019/20 went to                   perform in the out of home market?
     Snickers, followed by Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.                Noticeably, it is (still) seen as cold weather

                                                                drink in the UK, which is different to
     However, I am going to concentrate on                      European countries where it is drunk all

     hot chocolate. Based on a random survey                    year round. And of course, most UK café
     of 831 people by the firm Statista in late                 owners will tell you that as soon as the

     2017 most people enjoy their hot                           leaves fall from the trees and an icy blast
     chocolate in the evening. And their                        hits the streets hot chocolate sales

     preferred choice is Cadbury’s Hot                          increase. But, are we prepared for this
     Chocolate.                                                 increase in chocolate sales which must
                                                                take sales from other drinks?
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