Page 17 - SBrewing(Dec2020)
P. 17

Page 17                                               

                                                                                    DECEMBER. 2020 | VOL. 12

     The hot chocolate offering has widened                    Cocoa knowledge is important
     With the increase in the way hot chocolate                In summary, ensure you start with a solid
     can be prepared today it is very important to             grounding about the tree to bean process

     review the options available and make a                   and how the bean becomes cocoa powder.
     choice that works well in your establishment.             Take the time to taste different types of

     However, whichever choice you make it is                  hot chocolate products side by side. By
     important that you, your Baristas, and staff              using this method, you and your staff will
     have the knowledge to sell the product and                understand the different taste profiles.

     understand how to extend the value of the                 And, ensure that whichever hot chocolate
     product.                                                  you use it is sold with style and panache.

     Usually, the first choice to use is a powdered            Finally…
     chocolate which can be blended with water                 Have you ever heard of chocolate art? Take
     or made a little more luxurious with steamed              a look at some of these incredible

     milk. This is probably the equivalent to a                chocolate creations:
     good cup of instant coffee and most cafes        Try your own on a

     would not serve instant coffee.                           smaller scale by using a brush to paint
                                                               melted chocolate over a rose leaf (holding
     So, consider the wider choices which                      it by the stem), letting it dry, then carefully

     includes making your own hot chocolate                    peeling off – fantastic decorations to cakes
     from cocoa powder, mixing with sugar, and                 and puddings.

     steaming with steamed milk. There are
     various varieties of cocoa powder available
     to enable you to widen the menu offering.

     Probably the best method to make a well-                      Further funding is available for
     rounded luxurious hot chocolate is to use                     training and support so that young
     callets. These are primarily country of origin                people on the scheme can get a job in

     products including Peru, Tanzania &                           the future.
     Ecuador. Blend these with textured milk and
     serve with a callet on the side, a sprinkling of              Visit for more
     marshmallows, whipped cream, and other
     matching products. This will have customers

     returning again and again.
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