Page 22 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_JulyAug'23
P. 22


            Photo courtesy of La Cimbali

                   Mark reminds operators                                   The duty holder should choose a
                  that, "The consequences of                               competent person - ensuring they

                  not complying are far-                                   have the necessary knowledge,
              Assessing Risks
                  reaching. Your insurance                                 skills and, importantly,
                  will be in-valid, (you cannot                            independence to undertake their
                  be insured for illegal                                   role and responsibilities
                  activity)."                                              effectively.

                   He observes, "It would also                             Many years ago, this was near
                  prove a failure to observe                              impossible for the independent
                  other Health & Safety                                   operator, more recently,
                  requirements and                                        numerous regular coffee machine
                  responsibilities about                                  service engineers work through a
                  assessing risks and providing                           third-party supplier, to obtain their     JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31

                  safe equipment in the                                   independence, and provide them
                  workplace. The duty holder                              with the necessary regulatory
                  would be personally liable for                          knowledge, support and
                  any litigation claims."                                 administrative back-up.

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