Page 23 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_JulyAug'23
P. 23


                                                Gauge testing as part of the
                                                Written Scheme of Examination
                                                - courtesy of Espress Test

              Compliance Exam
                   Along with checking the                       Remember, an examination undertaken in
                  integrity of the internal vessel              accordance with a Written Scheme of
                  itself, the compliance                        Examination is like an MOT for your car. It is a
                  examination will check or test all            statutory examination that is designed to
                  protective devices along with                 ensure that your pressure system is
                  the control systems that are in               ‘roadworthy’. It is not a substitute for regular
                  place.                                        and routine maintenance.

                                                                 Thank you to Mark Allen of Espress Test in
                   Where a satisfactory standard is             writing this article.
                  not achieved and cannot be
                  rectified at the point of

                  examination, you will need to
                  stop using the machine until it                                                                   JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31
                  has been re-inspected (following
                  rectification of issues.) This is             Wheal Harmony House
                  quite rare and will only be the               Solomon Road, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 1FD
                  case where there is clear                     (T) 01209 216847
                  evidence of imminent danger.                  (w)

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