Page 63 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_JulyAug'23
P. 63
All aboard the Coffee Cup
Photo by Jeremy Stewardson on Unsplash
A key objective of the runs is simply On one of the tables in the carriage
to bring teams together to have a a computer was set up to relay live
discussion; ‘we could use a room at images from the train’s forward-
one of our offices along the route, facing CCTV or the pantograph
but it’s much better to bring people camera. Remote downloading of
together on the train’ says John forward-facing CCTV is not
Grainger. presently available to LNER, but a
project is in progress to make this
But the exercise is not simply about possible, with the first train due to
networking – teams on the train are be fitted with the necessary
monitoring the infrastructure and train equipment towards the end of the
in real time. In the back cab, a group of year and the full fleet to follow
Network Rail staff were looking out for within 12 months of that.
anything unexpected from a track JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31
perspective – the good news being that A big thank you to Philip Sherratt
when I called in to see them they hadn’t of Modern Railways for allowing the
observed anything they didn’t know SB editor to indulge his passion for
about railways in this article.