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Cafe Business Expo 2023
Product Innovation Showcase
Cafe Business Expo has
listened to the demand of
the hospitality world and
promises to provide you
with the perfect platform to
get your name out there.
This is including 200 hand-
picked exhibitors: from
coffee, bubble tea, and
milkshakes to technology,
sustainability and much
But that's not all brand-new
to 2023, Product
The Cafe Industry is booming
Innovation Showcase, this
feature allows you to
discover the leading
products and services that
are truly innovating the
sector and be inspired by
brand-new innovations all in
one zone.
In fact, it was found that cafes and Not only that but there will
coffee shops brought in £5.8 billion to be 100 industry experts
the UK in 2022, making it a massive hosting seminars on a range
part of the hospitality industry. of topics, providing you with
the knowledge that they
This makes much sense when you know have curated across their
that 80% of people visit a coffee shop at career. Hear from all your
least once a week. As the demand for favourite brands and soak
the cafe industry grows, it is more up the knowledge they
important than ever to have the correct present. Make sure to
tools to ensure you stand out from the transfer it into your own
competition. One of the key factors to a business. Their top tips, JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31
successful cafe business is customer tricks and strategies are
service. Customers seek a range of proven successful and will
products and services to make their lead to endless business
journey enjoyable. growth.