Page 14 - SBrewing(August2021)
P. 14

Page 14                                               

                                                                                       AUGUST. 2021 | VOL. 19

          A Fine Result for the Damn Fine Café

        Sophia Charalambous of The Damn Fine Café               How Do You Maintain A Top Rank On
        was recently announced as the lucky winner of a         TripAdvisor?
        competition that offered entrants the chance to
        win a brand new Gaggia Milano professional              Lichfield is renowned as a tourist and retail
        espresso machine.                                       destination, and there is a lot of choice
                                                                available for those seeking out good food
        “I really didn’t expect to win, but I decided to        and drink, and Sophia added: “It’s crucial for
        enter as I had nothing to lose!” explains Sophia        us to continue to find ways to stand out
        Charalambous, owner of the Damn Fine Café.              from the crowd. We’re proud of our top
        “The timing couldn’t have been better; I had            rating on TripAdvisor, and so La Precisa will
        inherited my espresso machine when I bought             open up more avenues for us to achieve
        the café just over three years ago. It had been         this. I’m busy planning what to offer
        showing signs of age for a while, so I knew I was       customers to maintain current levels of
        going to have to invest sooner rather than later.”      trade after the peak summer season ends. I

                                                                think there’s scope for us to develop our
        The Damn Fine Café is one of Lichfield’s most           “coffee and cake” options. It’s a really exciting
        popular cafés, with a large seating area inside as      time for us!”
        well as tables on the pedestrianised street for
        customers to enjoy a continental-style terrace          The red machine makes a bold impact and
        experience. The café boasts a strong reputation         really stands out on the counter, with
        and has many regulars who are offered an                regular customers commenting on how
        extensive menu of hot meals, snacks and sweet           fantastic it looks. It’s not just the
        treats – and of course hot drinks. Now taking           customers who are impressed, the staff
        pride of place on the serving counter is La             are too. Sophia comments: “It’s given my
        Precisa – its bold red side panels and distinctive      team a renewed sense of pride in their
        mirrored front providing the perfect backdrop           work, and they’re loving using it.”
        as customers place their order.

                                                                Supporting Independent Businesses
                                                                As Craig Jukes, Evoca’s Sales Director
                                                                points out, the Gaggia brand fits perfectly
                                                                in a bustling setting like the Damn Fine
                                                                Café: “It’s great that we’ve been able to
                                                                help the Gaggia name re-establish itself in
                                                                this manner. We were very clear that our

                                                                aim was to support the hospitality sector
                                                                at the precise moment it was allowed to
                                                                trade somewhat normally again.
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