Page 10 - SBrewing(August2021)
P. 10

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                                                                                       AUGUST. 2021 | VOL. 19

         Celebrating 25 years of the BSA

        Many of the memories and images that will be             It was well attended, though the talk was
        shared in this second article may only resonate          about the bedrooms as many people
        with the person who wrote them. However, it              believed they were haunted. In 2001 we
        may stir long-forgotten memories for others. If          went to the Hanover International, Hinkley
        so, please contact us with your reflections on           and the following two years were at the
        working with, being a member, or perhaps                 National Motorbike Museum in Birmingham.
        attending an event organised by the Association.         Who remembers the Jazz band and the
        We would love to hear from you.                          over-enthusiastic tuba player was a bit
                                                                 upset when asked to play quietly?”
        In 2002 Ranald Paterson became Chairman and

        a new era commenced. Phillipa Clow had been              The next six years included visits to Aston
        employed to work as the BSA’s Secretariat, which         Villa Football Ground, Northampton Cricket
        would ensure that the Chairman and the                   Ground, Leicester City Football Ground, The
        Executive Committee could drive the Association          Windmill Village Hotel, and finally the
        forward.                                                 Manchester United Football Ground.
                                                                 Phillipa recollects that each Conference had
                                                                 its special moments with the great and the
                                                                 good of the trade, with exciting conference
                                                                 titles such as “Take the Bev-X Challenge –
                                                                 traditional or automatic”, “Turbo-Charge
                                                                 Your Business” and “Fighting Fit for Future

                                                                 David Veal who was Chairman from 2007 to
                                                                 2011 reflects on the Conferences saying:
                                                                 “They were only small shows by many
                                                                 standards, but they became a real focus for

                                                                 the industry, not only was the exhibiting and
                                                                 networking good but the sessions in the
        The new initiatives announced included a yearly          evening at the bar became quite legendary!”
        BSA Conference & Exhibition, the BEV-E Awards
        and the launch of the BSA Update which
        replaced Beverage News.

        The BSA Conference & Exhibitions were run on a
        yearly basis from 2000 and Phillipa Clow recalls,
        “Our first Conference was held at Tankersley
        Manor, Barnsley.
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