Page 7 - SBrewing(August2021)
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                                                                                       AUGUST. 2021 | VOL. 19

                          Drink coffee, change lives

        UK coffee week 2021 registration is

        now open!

        UK Coffee Week, which brings together the                UK Coffee Week founder Jeffrey Young
        coffee industry and consumers to support                 said: “UK Coffee Week is about celebrating
        coffee-growing communities, will take place this         our nation’s coffee industry as well as
        year between 18 – 24 October. Registration is            supporting our coffee-growing
        now open for all coffee businesses.                      communities.

        Every year since 2011 coffee shops, roasters,            “Taking part is also a great way for
        retailers, foodservice outlets and their                 businesses to attract new customers and
        customers have raised funds for Project                  drive demand. You will be joining with the
        Waterfall - a charity working to end the water           entire industry to fundraise and change

        crisis in areas where coffee is grown.                   the lives of communities in need.”

        So far UK Coffee Week has donated more than              Coffee businesses can register at:
        £800,000 to Project Waterfall, and helped fund 
        13 projects in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nicaragua,
        Tanzania and Uganda, changing more than                  The form takes a few minutes to complete.
        45,000 lives.                                            To help run UK Coffee Week there is a
                                                                 registration fee of £10 per outlet/online

        Every penny raised goes straight to the cause,           business to cover costs, including a
        thanks to our generous partners.                         fundraising pack.

                                                                 If you have 10 or more outlets please
                                                                 email: to
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