Page 2 - SBrewing(NovDec2021)
P. 2
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Chairman's Comment
A warm welcome to all our readers with hopes of better and more stable times ahead.
As I write we are on the cusp of yet more restrictions and as you read, we may well be into a
post-Christmas lockdown of sorts akin to those that have been announced in The
Netherlands and Denmark with wider travel related issues.
All this of course plays havoc with our planning, workflow, order book and more importantly
our cash flow.
As I get older and perhaps a little more political, I must ask who would wish to run this
country through our last few Covid dominated years and maybe through the next as there is
no play book, no real historical experience of this and of course everyone has different
opinions. There is in fact no real answer, and you cannot please all the affected interest
groups all the time.
I am really saddened that we could not pull together as a country and support each other as
a cohesive group. It seems that we are more hell bent on potential sackings and headlines of
personality than we are concerned for the welfare of the masses of our people.
In this I firmly believe the press and media have a lot to answer for as this divisive and
combative attitude is their lifeblood and they can change their narrative at will based on
creating sensational headlines and not focus on the great stuff this country is doing in terms
of recovery trade, and vaccinations.
As a trade journal of course, we have the luxury of a dedicated subject and we seek to
enlighten and inform, create considered debate and promote our chosen field.
We are all at the BSA, commited to our trade and our association to represent the aims and
goals of our membership through communication, support, training, and advice and this
superb “award winning magazine” plays its part. I really hope that you find some moments to
relax with a nice drink and enjoy the content.
Please do feel free as ever to come forward with any comment, suggestions or news that is
I wish you all the best for 2022.
Steve Slark