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Manchester Revealed to Have More Coffee
Shops than Milan
Did you know… Our research shows that Manchester has
almost double the amount of coffee shops
Manchester Revealed to Have More Coffee than the city viewed as the birthplace of
Shops than Milan! espresso (235 in Manchester compared to
144 in Milan).
Moreover, the major North West city ranks
up over four times as many Google search
results and more than 11,500 Instagram
social media mentions than the Italian city. In
fact, the only metric Milan beats Manchester
on is TripAdvisor mentions, due to its
attractive tourism offering.
While the two cities might seem worlds apart,
While it’s been recognised for a number of Manchester actually has a lot in common
years that the UK has a burgeoning coffee with Milan. Both locations are in the north of
scene, few could have predicted just a few its country and are the second most
years ago how well-loved coffee and our populous urban areas after London and
coffee shops would become. However, some Rome, respectively.
recent research has shown just how much
this drink has become part of our popular Craig Jukes, Sales Director, Evoca UK, said: “It
culture. might be hard to believe - but Manchester
officially has more coffee lovers than the
Manchester has more coffee shops than the world’s espresso capital, Milan.
home of the coffee shop revolution, Milan
Coffee lovers in Manchester are also more “Coffee shops have become such an intrinsic
vocal about their love of the caffeinated part of British culture providing a calm and
beverage than their Milanese counterparts, relaxing atmosphere for friends, families and
ranking up more than 14,500 Instagram colleagues to meet, work and socialise, as
mentions well as indulging in great tasting coffee.”
Looking at the UK, Manchester ranks second
In the UK, research has found that as the best city for coffee lovers to visit, after
Manchester is the UK’s top coffee shop hot London and ahead of Birmingham. To
spot outside London. compile the league table, Gaggia Milano
analysed 15 major UK cities comparing the
Manchester has been officially recognised as number of coffee shops on Google Maps,
having more coffee shops and coffee lovers overall Google mentions, Tripadvisor reviews
than Milan, the home of the world’s coffee and Instagram hashtags to identify the best
shop revolution. places to visit for coffee lovers.