Page 7 - SBrewing(July2021)
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                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

        Host John Richardson of the Café Experts will be          Swedish brewer manufacturer 3Temp will
        welcoming back previous Caffè Insight                     be working alongside some of the
        contributors to hear how they were able to                industry’s most talented coffee roasters to
        innovate, pivot, and ultimately accelerate their          explore the frontiers of brewing using their
        recovery.  John will also be hosting a half-day           Hipster profile brewers, allowing users to
        workshop on ‘How to produce a profit-                     unlock an unprecedented depth of
        producing system – without you having to be               flavours in each coffee. Another new
        there’.                                                   feature for the show is the Speciality Tea
                                                                  Hub which has been launched in
        For true specialty aficionados, ‘Coffee Studies’          partnership with the European Speciality
        and the ‘Roasters Forum’ are back. Nick Mabey             Tea Association (ESTA). A tea brew bar will
        of Assembly has curated a series of TED-style             give visitors the opportunity to sample six
        talks and panel discussions to debate the issues          categories of tea and experience the
        surrounding ‘The Standardisation of Coffee’ and           delights of matcha whisking, a range of
        how the last 18 months of lockdown impacted               delightful tea cocktails, whilst learning how
        the global supply chain and sustainability.               to pair food, sample cold brew and nitro

                                                                  Bringing some necessary excitement and
                                                                  competition to the show, the SCA will be
                                                                  hosting their first championships in over
                                                                  18 months. 20 competitors will battle it out
                                                                  by showcasing their complex and visually
                                                                  appealing designs to be crowned the SCA
                                                                  UK Latte Art Champion 2020 with the
                                                                  winner going on to represent the UK at the
                                                                  prestigious World Latte Art Championship
                                                                  in Taipei, later this year.
         New Roasters Forum sponsor DRWakefield, will
         be using the forum as a platform for                     Event Director Elliot Gard, comments, ‘After
         reconnection, exploring how past, present, and
         future trends, ideas, collaborations and                 the devastating impact of the last 15
                                                                  months, I’m delighted we can now get on
         innovation can stimulate better coffee
         production, sourcing and roasting. With a host           with our lives and get back to business. We
                                                                  will be doing our upmost to deliver on our
         of expert voices from within the supply chain,
         ranging from producers at origin to roasters             aim of reconnecting the industry, to
                                                                  stimulate growth and ultimately bring old
         and leading thinkers working alongside coffee,
         the forum will be a series of engaging talks             friends and colleagues back together at
                                                                  what will be a fantastic celebration of the
         aimed at bringing the industry together through
         knowledge sharing and interaction.                       industry we have all missed and love’.

                                                                  For more information and all media
         For those looking for a more in-depth sensory            enquiries, please contact: Elliot Gard
         experience, two Brew Bars have been launched             on 07900 567 684
         at the show to give visitors the perfect
         opportunity to test their palates.
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