Page 9 - SBrewing(July2021)
P. 9

Page 9                                               

                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

        These included many of those mentioned in the                Rennick Hodgson from Coffee Care
        previous paragraph as well as Ranald Paterson                remembers the early days of the
        (now President of the BSA), George Miller, Gary              Association with fondness and
        Klien, Jim Cain, Jim Devlin and others. Additionally,        remembers: "That the Association

        most of these people have served as Chairman of              grew quite quickly due to the
        the Association too.                                         enthusiasm of the board drawing in
                                                                     major coffee companies, equipment
        As Sales Manager of The Nairobi Coffee & Tea                 manufacturers, etc."
        Company, Martyn Herriott attended the inaugural
        meetings in the South, Midlands and the North. As            He adds ‘The first big meeting was an
        a new boy on the block, he was very delighted to             AGM. This included a golf day and the

        meet well known industry figures at these meetings           one and only BSA tennis competition
        and see the BSA explode into life and grow over              - Christine Hodgson and Mike
        the last 25 years.                                           Hadfield vs Phillipa Clow and David
                                                                     Veal’. If anybody remembers the
        Martyn recalls: "At the initial meeting to form the          result, please let the Association
        BSA there must have been over 100 people in the              know. As well, Rennick believes that at
        room. Many of them saw this moment as the                    this first AGM it was agreed to split

        opportunity to put a professional and growing                into 3 areas: South, Midlands, North
        segment of the hot beverage industry on the map".            and having separate meetings and 1
                                                                     AGM for all.

                                                                     In the August issue of Something’s
                                                                     Brewing further reflections on the
                                                                     BSA’s 25 years will be shared around
                                                                     the Association’s development of
                                                                     training with City & Guilds, creating
                                                                     regular business exhibitions and
                                                                     producing a magazine relevant to the

                                                                     industry we enjoy working in.

                                                                     Please contact Martyn at:
                                                            with your memories and
        He further added, "All those people in the room              images too.
        believed that filter coffee was going to be

        overtaken by espresso beans and equipment in the
        near future and an Association was needed to
        ensure standards of quality and service were set.
        How right they were."
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