Page 10 - Microsoft PowerPoint - WOME BOOK
P. 10
SAMPLE 1 – ODD Pages
Action Mode
Vision Generative
Leverage Increases Mental Models Reflective
Systemic Structures
Patterns Over Time Adaptive
Events Reactive
One way of expanding our to maximize leverage and develop
awareness and perception is to the capabilities to be more creative,
broaden the ways in which we see reflective and generative.
the world through the Level of
Perspective framework. Although Archetypes are accessible tools
there are multi levels of perspective with which managers can quickly
from which we can see and construct credible and consistent
understand the world, most of us hypotheses about governing forces
tend to inhabit only one or two of the systems. Archetypes are also
levels. In order to have a lasting natural vehicle for clarifying and
effect and greater leverage, one testing mental models about those
needs to learn to operate at higher systems
levels (systemic Structures, Mental
Models and Vision)