Page 14 - MY STORY
P. 14

that  these  ancillary  subjects  were  of  little  value  in  our

            study of metallurgy, and would have no bearing on the
            world of work following college.

            More on that later – suffice it to say that those “ancillary”
            subjects  provided  needed  strength  and  capability  to  be
            successful  in  the  real  world.  It  seems  that  we  do  not

            recognize the value of competent teaching at that moment
            in time.  It’s not until we have to claw back to re-ignite
            our inherent capability to work real-world problems that

            the  teachers  who  shaped  our  learning  process  are
            recognized  for  their  importance  in  a  successful

            professional life.

            Some examples of a few things remembered follow:

            1)  Professor Sadowsky taught advanced calculus (3D)
            and was considered a terror by the student body.  Short,

            stumpy  with  a  slight  accent  Professor  Sadowsky  wore
            suspenders that pulled the waistband of his trousers to his
            chest.  He  followed  no  specific  textbook  and  put

            everything  on  the  blackboard  with  multicolored  chalk
            with speed and a torrent of talk that made it difficult to
            copy  key  phrases  and  important  elements  on  the

            blackboard.  I  failed  my  first  two  quiz’s  -  requiring  an
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