Page 85 - MY STORY
P. 85


               Our working hours in Santa Monica were 7:30 to 4:12.
               When  our  group  was  transferred  to  the  Engineering

               Division  from  the  Test  Division  our  hours  changed  to
               8:00 to 4:42. Hank B (a buddy of mine) and I felt that our
               old hours were better for all of us, even though we would
               be  out  of  sync  with  the  rest  of  the  engineering

               organization for 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon.
               So  we  did  what  comes  naturally  –  we  put  together  a

               petition for our department members to get our working
               hours moved back.  Hank and  I got about 90% of our
               group to sign the petition.  We proudly marched into Joe

               W’s office and presented our petition, which Joe looked
               over quite seriously. His first question was “Did you guys
               do this during working hours?”  That should have been

               sufficient to have us realize this was not going to go well
               since our answer was “yes.” His next question, “What in
               hell makes you think that the Douglas Aircraft Company

               is a democratic organization?” did not require an answer.
               We were told to leave, never do anything like that again,
               as he took our carefully worded and signed petition and

               tossed it in the wastebasket.
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