Page 4 - Tensionmeter Catalog 2018
P. 4

S C H  M  I   D    T

                                            c o n t r o l   i n s t r u m e n t s


         Please visit us in the World   Wide Web !

         We solve tension-measuring problems.
         More than 70 years. Worldwide.

         In 1948, the founder of the company, Mr. Hans Schmidt, started selling
         and distributing yarns and textile machinery.
         He became aware of the importance which the control of tension had
          for production processes and soon developed and constructed
         a 3-Roller Tension Meter which featured one measuring roller and
          two guiding rollers. This ingenious principle of operation
          has been proved to be the best method for tension measuring.
             M O R E   T H A N  The 3-roller measuring system has become
                          the hallmark of all SCHMIDT tension meters
                          and remains unsurpassed in its efficiency
                          even today.
                          Since 1962, the company’s headquarter is in
              Y E A R S   Waldkraiburg, located near Munich, Germany.

         In reponse to today’s needs, involving new advanced materials
         and stricter production standards, SCHMIDT offers a large selection
         of tension meters and ranges to satisfy those requirements.
         Competition is constantly changing. Higher efficiency requirements
         and continuous quality control make monitoring of tension more important
          than ever. If, for instance, the winding tension of a copper wire
          is too high, the wire diameter will decrease, resulting in a change
          in the electrical resistance. With natural fibers, excessive fiber tension
                   leads to a change in characteristic.
                   With synthetic fibers, this results in irreversible molecular
                   shifts, which may cause the fabric to dye unevenly.
                                The inevitable consequence
                                is a product of poor quality.
                                SCHMIDT Tension Meters help you to
                                eliminate tension-related defects.
                                    Today, more than 190.000
                                    SCHMIDT tension meters are
                                    used worldwide.

                                          SCHMIDT · ALL OVER THE TECHNICAL WORLD
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