Page 8 - Tensionmeter Catalog 2018
P. 8

S C H  M  I   D    T

                                            c o n t r o l   i n s t r u m e n t s

         SCHMIDT Tension Meters are used
         throughout the world.

             In the Aircraft Industry
             producing parts made by
             fiber-reincorced materials for
             airplanes on embroidery machines                   In Satellite Technology
                                                                Before launching accurately tension setting
                                                                of the cables holding the solar panels
                                  For Technical Fibers
                                  producing harvesting nets          st
                                                                     IN TENSION
                                        and protection nets     1    METERS
                                           with warpknitting         WORLDWIDE   ®

                          In the Medical Industry                                 In the Sewing Industry
                            e.g. producing                                        For adjusting yarn break on industrial
                               bandages and                                       sewing machines e. g. production of airbags
                                                   In Telecommunications
                                                   Continuous tension monitoring
                                                   is essential in the production
                                                   and processing of copper wires
                                                   and optic fibers

                                          SCHMIDT · ALL OVER THE TECHNICAL WORLD
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