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P. 638

always has been. She’s the widow of a bailiff. You can’t re-
         member, when you were little, all the trouble I used to have
         to avoid her at your gymnastic lessons, where she was al-
         ways trying to get hold of me—I didn’t know the woman,
         of course—to tell me that you were ‘much too nice-look-
         ing for a boy.’ She has always had an insane desire to get to
         know people, and she must be quite insane, as I have always
         thought, if she really does know Mme. Swann. For even if
         she does come of very common people, I have never heard
         anything said against her character. But she must always
         be forcing herself upon strangers. She is, really, a horrible
         woman, frightfully vulgar, and besides, she is always creat-
         ing awkward situations.’
            As for Swann, in my attempts to resemble him, I spent
         the whole time, when I was at table, in drawing my finger
         along my nose and in rubbing my eyes. My father would
         exclaim:  ‘The  child’s  a  perfect  idiot,  he’s  becoming  quite
         impossible.’  More  than  all  else  I  should  have  liked  to  be
         as bald as Swann. He appeared to me to be a creature so
         extraordinary that I found it impossible to believe that peo-
         ple whom I knew and often saw knew him also, and that
         in  the  course  of  the  day  anyone  might  run  against  him.
         And once my mother, while she was telling us, as she did
         every evening at dinner, where she had been and what she
         had done that afternoon, merely by the words: ‘By the way,
         guess whom I saw at the Trois Quartiers—at the umbrella
         counter—Swann!’ caused to burst open in the midst of her
         narrative (an arid desert to me) a mystic blossom. What a
         melancholy satisfaction to learn that, that very afternoon,

         638                                     Swann’s Way
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