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rather good old damask. She talked of places, of people and
         even, as the phrase is, of ‘subjects”; and from time to time
         she talked of their kind old host and of the prospect of his
         recovery. From the first she had thought this prospect small,
         and Isabel had been struck with the positive, discriminat-
         ing, competent way in which she took the measure of his
         remainder  of  life.  One  evening  she  announced  definitely
         that he wouldn’t live.
            ‘Sir Matthew Hope told me so as plainly as was prop-
         er,’ she said; ‘standing there, near the fire, before dinner. He
         makes himself very agreeable, the great doctor. I don’t mean
         his saying that has anything to do with it. But he says such
         things with great tact. I had told him I felt ill at my ease,
         staying here at such a time; it seemed to me so indiscreet—it
         wasn’t as if I could nurse. ‘You must remain, you must re-
         main,’ he answered; ‘your office will come later.’ Wasn’t that
         a very delicate way of saying both that poor Mr. Touchett
         would go and that I might be of some use as a consoler? In
         fact, however, I shall not be of the slightest use. Your aunt
         will  console  herself;  she,  and  she  alone,  knows  just  how
         much consolation she’ll require. It would be a very delicate
         matter for another person to undertake to administer the
         dose. With your cousin it will be different; he’ll miss his
         father immensely. But I should never presume to condole
         with Mr. Ralph; we’re not on those terms.’ Madame Merle
         had alluded more than once to some undefined incongruity
         in her relations with Ralph Touchett; so Isabel took this oc-
         casion of asking her if they were not good friends.
            ‘Perfectly, but he doesn’t like me.’

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