P. 290

Anna Karenina

                                     Vronsky saw all the thanklessness of the business, and
                                  that there could be no question of a duel in it, that
                                  everything must be done to soften the government clerk,
                                  and hush the matter up. The colonel had called in

                                  Vronsky just because he knew him to be an honorable and
                                  intelligent man, and, more than all, a man who cared for
                                  the honor of the regiment. They talked it over, and
                                  decided that Petritsky and Kedrov must go with Vronsky
                                  to Venden’s to apologize. The colonel and Vronsky were
                                  both fully aware that Vronsky’s name and rank would be
                                  sure to contribute greatly to softening of the injured
                                  husband’s feelings.
                                     And these two influences were not in fact without
                                  effect; though the result remained, as Vronsky had
                                  described, uncertain.
                                     On reaching the French theater, Vronsky retired to the
                                  foyer with the colonel, and reported to him his success, or
                                  non-success. The colonel, thinking it all over, made up his
                                  mind not to pursue the matter further, but then for his
                                  own satisfaction proceeded to cross-examine Vronsky
                                  about his interview; and it  was a long while before he
                                  could restrain his laughter, as Vronsky described how the
                                  government clerk, after subsiding for a while, would
                                  suddenly flare up again, as he recalled the details, and how

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