P. 521

Anna Karenina

                                  he lived with ‘the people,’ and all his interests were bound
                                  up with theirs, but also because he regarded himself as a
                                  part of ‘the people,’ did not see any special qualities or
                                  failings distinguishing himself and ‘the people,’ and could

                                  not contrast himself with them. Moreover, although he
                                  had lived so long in the closest relations with the peasants,
                                  as farmer and arbitrator, and what was more, as adviser
                                  (the peasants trusted him, and for thirty miles round they
                                  would come to ask his advice), he had no definite views of
                                  ‘the people,’ and would have been as much at a loss to
                                  answer the question whether he knew ‘the people’ as the
                                  question whether he liked them. For him to say he knew
                                  the peasantry would have been the same as to say he knew
                                  men. He was continually watching and getting to know
                                  people of all sorts, and among them peasants, whom he
                                  regarded as good and interesting people, and he was
                                  continually observing new points in them, altering his
                                  former views of them and forming new ones. With Sergey
                                  Ivanovitch it was quite the contrary. Just as he liked and
                                  praised a country life in comparison with the life he did
                                  not like, so too he liked the peasantry in contradistinction
                                  to the class of men he did not like, and so too he knew the
                                  peasantry as something distinct from and opposed to men
                                  generally. In his methodical brain there were distinctly

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