P. 524

Anna Karenina

                                  summer day was not long enough for him to get through
                                  all he had to do, while Sergey Ivanovitch was taking a
                                  holiday. But though he was taking a holiday now, that is
                                  to say, he was doing no writing, he was so used to

                                  intellectual activity that he liked to put into concise and
                                  eloquent shape the ideas that occurred to him, and liked to
                                  have someone to listen to him. His most usual and natural
                                  listener was his brother. And so in spite of the friendliness
                                  and directness of their relations, Konstantin felt an
                                  awkwardness in leaving him  alone. Sergey Ivanovitch
                                  liked to stretch himself on the grass in the sun, and to lie
                                  so, basking and chatting lazily.
                                     ‘You wouldn’t believe,’ he would say to his brother,
                                  ‘what a pleasure this rural laziness is to me. Not an idea in
                                  one’s brain, as empty as a drum!’
                                     But Konstantin Levin found it dull sitting and listening
                                  to him, especially when he knew that while he was away
                                  they would be carting dung onto the fields not ploughed
                                  ready for it, and heaping it all up anyhow; and would not
                                  screw the shares in the ploughs, but would let them come
                                  off and then say that the new ploughs were a silly
                                  invention, and there was nothing like the old Andreevna
                                  plough, and so on.

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