P. 658

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘There, how do you manage never to be bored by
                                  things? It’s delightful to look at you. You’re alive, but I’m
                                     ‘How can you be bored? Why, you live in the liveliest

                                  set in Petersburg,’ said Anna.
                                     ‘Possibly the people who are not of our set are even
                                  more bored; but we—I certainly—are not happy, but
                                  awfully, awfully bored.’
                                     Sappho smoking a cigarette went off into the garden
                                  with the two young men. Betsy and Stremov remained at
                                  the tea-table.
                                     ‘What, bored!’ said Betsy. ‘Sappho says they did enjoy
                                  themselves tremendously at your house last night.’
                                     ‘Ah, how dreary it all was!’ said Liza Merkalova. ‘We
                                  all drove back to my place after the races. And always the
                                  same people, always the same. Always the same thing. We
                                  lounged about on sofas all the evening. What is there to
                                  enjoy in that? No; do tell me how you manage never to
                                  be bored?’ she said, addressing Anna again. ‘One has but
                                  to look at you and one sees, here’s a woman who may be
                                  happy or unhappy, but isn’t bored. Tell me how you do
                                     ‘I do nothing,’ answered Anna, blushing at these
                                  searching questions.

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