P. 659

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘That’s the best way,’ Stremov put it. Stremov was a
                                  man of fifty, partly gray, but still vigorous-looking, very
                                  ugly, but with a characteristic and intelligent face. Liza
                                  Merkalova was his wife’s niece, and he spent all his leisure

                                  hours with her. On meeting Anna Karenina, as he was
                                  Alexey Alexandrovitch’s enemy in the government, he
                                  tried, like a shrewd man and a man of the world, to be
                                  particularly cordial with her, the wife of his enemy.
                                     ‘‘Nothing,’’ he put in with a  subtle smile, ‘that’s the
                                  very best way. I told you long ago,’ he said, turning to
                                  Liza Merkalova, ‘that if you don’t want to be bored, you
                                  mustn’t think you’re going to be bored. It’s just as you
                                  mustn’t be afraid of not being able to fall asleep, if you’re
                                  afraid of sleeplessness. That’s just what Anna Arkadyevna
                                  has just said.’
                                     ‘I should be very glad if I had said it, for it’s not only
                                  clever but true,’ said Anna, smiling.
                                     ‘No, do tell me why it is one can’t go to sleep, and one
                                  can’t help being bored?’
                                     ‘To sleep well one ought to work, and to enjoy oneself
                                  one ought to work too.’
                                     ‘What am I to work for when my work is no use to
                                  anybody? And I can’t and won’t knowingly make a
                                  pretense about it.’

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