P. 677

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘How glad I am!’ he said, squeezing his hand and
                                  drawing him on one side.
                                     ‘You look after him,’ the colonel shouted to Yashvin,
                                  pointing to Vronsky; and he went down below to the

                                     ‘Why weren’t you at the races yesterday? I expected to
                                  see you there,’ said Vronsky, scrutinizing Serpuhovskoy.
                                     ‘I did go, but late. I beg your pardon,’ he added, and he
                                  turned to the adjutant: ‘Please have this divided from me,
                                  each man as much as it runs to.’ And he hurriedly took
                                  notes for three hundred roubles from his pocketbook,
                                  blushing a little.
                                     ‘Vronsky! Have anything to eat or drink?’ asked
                                  Yashvin. ‘Hi, something for the count to eat! Ah, here it
                                  is: have a glass!’
                                     The fete at the colonel’s lasted a long while. There was
                                  a great deal of drinking. They tossed Serpuhovskoy in the
                                  air and caught him again several times. Then they did the
                                  same to the colonel. Then, to the accompaniment of the
                                  band, the colonel himself danced with Petritsky. Then the
                                  colonel, who began to show signs of feebleness, sat down
                                  on a bench in the courtyard and began demonstrating to
                                  Yashvin the superiority of Russia over Poland, especially
                                  in cavalry attack, and there was a lull in the revelry for a

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