P. 681

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘But why so?’ Vronsky mentioned a few men who
                                  were in power. ‘Why aren’t they independent men?’
                                     ‘Simply because they have not, or have not had from
                                  birth, an independent fortune; they’ve not had a name,

                                  they’ve not been close to the sun and center as we have.
                                  They can be bought either by money or by favor. And
                                  they have to find a support for themselves in inventing a
                                  policy. And they bring forward some notion, some policy
                                  that they don’t believe in, that does harm; and the whole
                                  policy is really only a means to a government house and so
                                  much income. Cela n’est pas plus fin que ca, when you
                                  get a peep at their cards.  I may be inferior to them,
                                  stupider perhaps, though I don’t see why I should be
                                  inferior to them. But you and I have one important
                                  advantage over them for certain, in being more difficult to
                                  buy. And such men are more needed than ever.’
                                     Vronsky listened attentively, but he was not so much
                                  interested by the meaning of the words as by the attitude
                                  of Serpuhovskoy who was already contemplating a
                                  struggle with the existing powers, and already had his likes
                                  and dislikes in that higher world, while his own interest in
                                  the governing world did not go beyond the interests of his
                                  regiment. Vronsky felt, too, how powerful Serpuhovskoy
                                  might become through his unmistakable faculty for

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