P. 707

Anna Karenina

                                  Darya Alexandrovna told me, go to see them? Can I help
                                  showing that I know what she told me? And me to go
                                  magnanimously to forgive her, and have pity on her! Me
                                  go through a performance  before her of forgiving, and

                                  deigning to bestow my love on her!... What induced
                                  Darya Alexandrovna to tell me that? By chance I might
                                  have seen her, then everything would have happened of
                                  itself; but, as it is, it’s out of the question, out of the
                                     Darya Alexandrovna sent him a letter, asking him for a
                                  side-saddle for Kitty’s use. ‘I’m told you have a side-
                                  saddle,’ she wrote to him; ‘I hope you will bring it over
                                     This was more than he could stand. How could a
                                  woman of any intelligence, of any delicacy, put her sister
                                  in such a humiliating position! He wrote ten notes, and
                                  tore them all up, and sent the saddle without any reply.
                                  To write that he would go was impossible, because he
                                  could not go; to write that he could not come because
                                  something prevented him, or that he would be away, that
                                  was still worse. He sent the saddle without an answer, and
                                  with a sense of having done something shameful; he
                                  handed over all the now revolting business of the estate to
                                  the bailiff, and set off next day to a remote district to see

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