P. 709

Anna Karenina

                                                        Chapter 25

                                     In the Surovsky district there was no railway nor
                                  service of post horses, and Levin drove there with his own
                                  horses in his big, old-fashioned carriage.
                                     He stopped halfway at a well-to-do peasant’s to feed his
                                  horses. A bald, well-preserved old man, with a broad, red
                                  beard, gray on his cheeks, opened the gate, squeezing
                                  against the gatepost to let the three horses pass. Directing
                                  the coachman to a place under the shed in the big, clean,
                                  tidy yard, with charred, old-fashioned ploughs in it, the
                                  old man asked Levin to come into the parlor. A cleanly
                                  dressed young woman, with clogs on her bare feet, was
                                  scrubbing the floor in the new outer room. She was
                                  frightened of the dog, that ran in after Levin, and uttered a
                                  shriek, but began laughing at her own fright at once when
                                  she was told the dog would not hurt her. Pointing Levin
                                  with her bare arm to the door into the parlor, she bent
                                  down again, hiding her handsome face, and went on
                                     ‘Would you like the samovar?’ she asked.
                                     ‘Yes, please.’

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