Page 489 - sons-and-lovers
P. 489

the corner. Here, then, was the train, but of course she had
         not come. The green engine hissed along the platform, the
         row of brown carriages drew up, several doors opened. No;
         she had not come! No! Yes; ah, there she was! She had a big
         black hat on! He was at her side in a moment.
            ‘I thought you weren’t coming,’ he said.
            She was laughing rather breathlessly as she put out her
         hand  to  him;  their  eyes  met.  He  took  her  quickly  along
         the platform, talking at a great rate to hide his feeling. She
         looked beautiful. In her hat were large silk roses, coloured
         like  tarnished  gold.  Her  costume  of  dark  cloth  fitted  so
         beautifully over her breast and shoulders. His pride went up
         as he walked with her. He felt the station people, who knew
         him, eyed her with awe and admiration.
            ‘I was sure you weren’t coming,’ he laughed shakily.
            She laughed in answer, almost with a little cry.
            ‘And I wondered, when I was in the train, WHATEVER
         I should do if you weren’t there!’ she said.
            He  caught  her  hand  impulsively,  and  they  went  along
         the narrow twitchel. They took the road into Nuttall and
         over the Reckoning House Farm. It was a blue, mild day. Ev-
         erywhere the brown leaves lay scattered; many scarlet hips
         stood upon the hedge beside the wood. He gathered a few
         for her to wear.
            ‘Though, really,’ he said, as he fitted them into the breast
         of her coat, ‘you ought to object to my getting them, because
         of the birds. But they don’t care much for rose-hips in this
         part, where they can get plenty of stuff. You often find the
         berries going rotten in the springtime.’

                                               Sons and Lovers
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