Page 580 - sons-and-lovers
P. 580
‘By the way,’ said Dr. Ansell one evening when Morel was
in Sheffield, ‘we’ve got a man in the fever hospital here who
comes from Nottingham—Dawes. He doesn’t seem to have
many belongings in this world.’
‘Baxter Dawes!’ Paul exclaimed.
‘That’s the man—has been a fine fellow, physically,
I should think. Been in a bit of a mess lately. You know
‘He used to work at the place where I am.’
‘Did he? Do you know anything about him? He’s just
sulking, or he’d be a lot better than he is by now.’
‘I don’t know anything of his home circumstances, ex-
cept that he’s separated from his wife and has been a bit
down, I believe. But tell him about me, will you? Tell him
I’ll come and see him.’
The next time Morel saw the doctor he said:
‘And what about Dawes?’
‘I said to him,’ answered the other, ‘Do you know a man
from Nottingham named Morel?’ and he looked at me as
if he’d jump at my throat. So I said: ‘I see you know the