Page 585 - sons-and-lovers
P. 585

ery  and  helplessness  in  Paul’s  tone  gave  him  a  feeling  of
            ‘Is she far gone?’ he asked.
            ‘She’s  going  like  wax,’  Paul  answered;  ‘but  cheerful—
            He bit his lip. After a minute he rose.
            ‘Well,  I’ll  be  going,’  he  said.  ‘I’ll  leave  you  this  half-
            ‘I don’t want it,’ Dawes muttered.
            Morel did not answer, but left the coin on the table.
            ‘Well,’ he said, ‘I’ll try and run in when I’m back in Shef-
         field. Happen you might like to see my brother-in-law? He
         works in Pyecrofts.’
            ‘I don’t know him,’ said Dawes.
            ‘He’s all right. Should I tell him to come? He might bring
         you some papers to look at.’
            The other man did not answer. Paul went. The strong
         emotion that Dawes aroused in him, repressed, made him
            He did not tell his mother, but next day he spoke to Clara
         about this interview. It was in the dinner-hour. The two did
         not often go out together now, but this day he asked her to
         go with him to the Castle grounds. There they sat while the
         scarlet geraniums and the yellow calceolarias blazed in the
         sunlight. She was now always rather protective, and rather
         resentful towards him.
            ‘Did you know Baxter was in Sheffield Hospital with ty-
         phoid?’ he asked.
            She looked at him with startled grey eyes, and her face

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