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Global masterclass
Instead, successfully leading a talent-first company priorities, drawing on Charon, Barton and Carey’s
requires agility, an ability to foster collaboration, calm historic call.
decisiveness in the face of uncertainty, transparency
and faith – specifically faith in the transforming talents Any thoughts on how a different ‘G3’
of others. It requires enough ego to be comfortable could address this?
with making the hardest decisions, and enough
humility to defer to the brilliance of other people.” Ideally it should be the CEO, CFO and the head
of a combined function bringing together all of
If talent is “king”, what happened to the organisation’s relationships which matter: with
employees, customers and potential customers,
cash? supply chain and wider communities. The Chief
Talent replacing cash as king would be a revolution. Relationships Officer would have responsibilities
But the book’s lack of precision in defining ‘talent’ is covering HR, marketing, supply chain and social
disappointing. In effect, the authors are evangelical responsibility.
for a belief that two per cent of employees far
outperform the rest. These two per cent – scattered Wouldn’t that be a radical shift?
throughout an organisation, not simply in hierarchical Yes. I probably won’t see it in my lifetime! But the
positions of authority – are then your ‘talent’. Digital Age is already bringing the convergence of
employee and consumer brands – these need to fit
Forgive the play on words, but what’s together. The new function would have the power
the other side of this coin? to rival finance: for the first time, investors would
Positively, this fervor challenges companies to demand that all the G3 become executive members
throw off the machine-like treatment of people and of the board, not just the CEO and CFO. Finally,
pay closer attention to valuable human difference. we don’t have two chief officers for finance, one
However, the authors remain trapped in seeing only for money inside the company and one for money
individuals when they look at complex, energetic outside: so why do it for people and relationships?
constellations of people. Missing is the brilliance
of teams or the interdependence between star To sum up, where do we go, starting
performers and the equally vital central core from where we are today?
of productive groups. Problems of excessive
remuneration of ‘stars’ aren’t addressed. We should take up this book’s historic call to bring
The discussion of Facebook, including teams, CHROs into the circle of power and replicate this
shows tensions and the need for deeper thought: within major business units. This is the next step
“After individual employees finish one project, they beyond business partnering. But we shouldn’t
get to choose their next team. If they like it they can fall into the trap of thinking that only 2% of the
stay on the team. If they don’t, they can go look for people inside your organisation really matter. All the
something else. ... to make this work, the company people matter – certainly all of your employees do.
needs great managers. … it needs them to … ensure When not 2% but 98% of your employees are truly
that the company’s values and behaviours are intact engaged in your business, then they will bring the
at the team level. (p. 61) voices of customers and communities with them,
At Facebook, employees think ’solution’ before because that’s where most of your employees are –
they think ‘profit’ (p. 67). Thanks to Zuckerberg’s serving customers and living in communities.
clarity, everyone at Facebook knows where the Closer to home, this month sees the first All-Africa
company is headed.” (p. 63) Employee Engagement Conference & Awards being
Recent events make this section read very held in Johannesburg on 14th June, hosted by
differently from when it was written. If Facebook N2Growth Africa. Putting a people first paradigm on
had a G3, Facebook users did not get a look in; nor the business table in Africa is a timely challenge to
did wider society. Those things need fixing. But in the established order. This is a time for bold thinking
the meantime, let’s not miss a terrific opportunity to and action, to shape a new era in business and
elevate the people agenda to the top of companies’ management.
HR FUTURE · JUNE 2018 11