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eployment of technology is costing and one of the reasons that they manage to find
companies billions of dollars annually. the best developers to undertake crucial coding
But with foresight on a future where tasks is that they always focus on building strong
relevance depends on modern disruptive brands. Google, for instance, is a household name
Dtechnologies, investment on tech minds and among search engines, and it always employs the
trends is worth the risk. best minds in the world to oversee its projects. It,
Think about it this way. You are still stuck with old therefore, means that, with a strong brand, you can
social media techniques to disseminate information get almost anyone who does coding like a pro to
only to realise your competitor is using Augmented your side.
Reality in marketing.
The role of developers in companies, organisations 2. Market the future
or businesses is becoming a big necessity. They will The 21st century is fast pacing out and even
help your business cope with new trends not just as the world’s Fortune 500 companies try to
in marketing but also serve as important bridges to dominate each other, technologically, only that
relevance among consumers. It is comparable to a which is future-oriented will remain relevant. Think
student looking for the best dissertation assistance, about investments in VR, AR, AIs, and companies
but he or she cannot seem to point out ‘Wally’ in the spearheading such initiatives. You will come to a
crowd. So the big question is; how do you attract sound conclusion that developers always want to be
skills that can set technological trends for your part of big, disruptive future-oriented technologies.
You not only need to learn ways of attracting and 3. Promote a culture of creative freedom
recruiting tech developers but also how to retain them If your company has some of the best tech minds
for as long as it takes. It certainly goes beyond the but there isn’t an environment of creative freedom,
popular approach of salary increment. there are high chances that you are going to lose
them to rivals. Developers always want to try new
Silicon Valley companies and tech coding techniques, scripting languages and explore
developers new frontiers. It is their way of coming up with even
Fortune 500 companies in Silicon Valley work more cutting-edge products of technology.
with some of the best developers in the world. It
is a means by which they try to outdo each other. 4. Invest in mentorship, growth and
Facebook developed React.js to give users of the innovation
world’s largest social media platform a seamless As the future of AI gets closer than before since its
browsing experience. Google is always setting the inception in 1956, software design techniques and
pace with its new technologies such as the Google AI programming languages have changed over the
assistant. years to bring about innovation. To attract and hire
Samsung and Apple, which are the world’s biggest the best developers, a business must show concern
electronics companies, are always making big for the growth of these geniuses by offering them
statements in a world of Smartphone revolution by mentorship programmes. It blends with their desire
releasing mind-boggling features and Apps. Think to grow in the job.
about companies engaged in robotics, Electric
Vehicles and space science such as Hanson 5. It takes more than a salary
Robotics, Tesla, Space X, and Amazon. The era of using salary as bait to retain the best
Technically, it is a game of wits with coding at the minds in employment is long gone. And because
centre of everything. What keeps these businesses developers are some of the most challenging people
in the lead is that they always look around, get hold to deal with, it is imperative to show concern for AIs,
of and retain the top cream developers the market recognise their efforts with awards for innovation and
has to offer. So, here is another very important bring on board incentive perks.
question: do you pay befitting salaries to developers?
Arguably, coders are not always attached to specific The bottom line
companies. They always want to associate with the Companies that want to find and hire the best
best, and for better pay, but the latter is not an end in
itself. tech minds must invest in emerging disruptive
technologies and plan ahead for the future. There
is no better way of retaining great minds than
Tips for attracting and recruiting customising developers’ jobs in ways they will
For the small business, hiring the best developers in appreciate.
the market is a tough challenge but, with the right tips
and understanding of the role of AI will play in future
of employment, you are good to go. Beverly Lerch is a psychologist and a young writer.
Since 2014 she’s been working on developing
1. Start with building a brand name effective career strategies. One of her major interests
The aforementioned companies are markedly top is cutting edge technologies and their usage in the
players in many different technology environments hiring process.
HR FUTURE · JUNE 2018 15