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Social media
eading a business to success can be very away. These sites can potentially reach billions of
challenging, to say the least. From human shoppers, as reported by the Wipro Digital Research.
resources management to finances, it is very It is a fantastic way to find or collect leads and
social media Lthat can either make or break the company. are existing sites for e-commerce, however, creating
easy to overlook the small, yet essential factors ultimately increase profit. Facebook, eBay or Amazon
one for the company allows better competition and
Apart from maximising existing resources, it is
also smart to look at fresh and innovative tools as
integrity as a whole.
opportunities to prosper and develop. Determining
the missing puzzle pieces as the business progresses Utilisation of innovative manpower
is not as difficult as it may seem. tools
It can be quite tempting to depend entirely on
Social media and content existing manpower for an overall employee
management management. However, not many business owners
Close to three billion people are engaging in social will understand the need to maximise the gems of
media activities. Thus, the fast paced and highly digital age including sets of HR software. Undeniably,
digitalised society dictates the undeniable need to there is a huge benefit of automating one of the
maintain a good social media presence. Creating most tedious operations of a company, the human
social media profiles is cheap and easy, however, resource management. Bersin by Deloitte found
what most companies fail to look into is effective about 22 percent savings per employee in companies
management. It is important to regularly update with upgraded HR systems.
your profile, produce valuable content, and ensure Technology allows extensive strides for an
constant interaction with people online. From organisation that saves resources including time and
attractive pictures that surpass the boring and bland manpower. Some of the benefits of using human
to videos that accumulate views and converts to resources tools include:
profit over the long term, there is a lot that social
media content can help your business with. Investing • Simplified and enhanced employee recruitment;
in customer support and content management • Employee performance development;
professionals is a good start and a smart investment • Key performance metrics monitoring;
that can pay dividends in the future. • An integrated system by direct employee input;
About 71 percent of good social media experience • Daily workflow organisation; and
from a company is also highly likely to provide the • Easy payroll management.
constructive recommendation to win new customers.
Moreover, Internet visibility is definitely crucial to The responsible and effective tapping of social media
maintaining a professional, credible, and reliable promises immeasurable gain for every venture.
image to gain and keep customers. The trust rating Moreover, a highly professional and well-maintained
depends not only on the amount of service but website builds and highlights the strengths of a
also on how the company’s brand is presented to company. The use of innovative tools to maintain
the world. In addition, a study of Marketing Sherpa efficient company operations should not be
overlooked. It opens doors for improvement, saves
revealed 18 to 34-year old adults have about a 95 time and increases efficiency. Furthermore, this leads
percent probability to follow and patronise brands to a conclusion that the missing puzzle piece of every
through social media. successful business is people. Happy, contented,
secured and optimised people constitute a thriving
E-commerce website superpower in the business world.
Making the most out of your e-commerce website
is another key that start-up and long-running
businesses tend to overlook. Although it may appear Lindsey Patterson is a freelance writer and
daunting and expensive, there are actually a lot of entrepreneur based in the US who specialises
cheaper ways to put up and maintain an e-commerce in business technology, customer relationship
website. From tapping existing talented employees management, and lead management. She also writes
to hiring freelancers with commendable experience about the latest social trends, specifically involving
or rates, a successful e-commerce site is one click social media.
HR FUTURE · JUNE 2018 19