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               entails achieving a ‘state of readiness’ that includes  Cement
               a sound understanding and training/development   This refers to fortifying the systematic approach to
               for the ‘best case’ and ‘worst case’ scenarios. Most  overcoming work-related challenges and optimising
               importantly, it requires the alignment of cognitive   cerebral application in coming up with novel solutions
               faculties and emotional intelligence to achieve   to daunting career impediments. It advocates
               desired outcomes.                              reinforcement through the astute use of available
                 For example, an experienced construction     resources and beckons a penchant for experiential
               professional realises that materials made from   learning. It affirms ‘seeking betterment’ as a
               3D-printing can greatly ease the amount of work   necessary trait for innovation and visibly manifests the
               required to finish the job on time and he/she would   willingness to change.
               be at a great disadvantage if required training is   For example, a bank manager proactively and
               not undertaken to match his younger peers who   honestly seeks 360˚ feedback on his/her performance
               are much more comfortable using the respective   without the compulsion of an HR/talent management
               technology. Consequently, setting aside years   mandate. Consequently, he/she uses it in terms of
                                                              self-driven performance improvement and gaining
               of ‘comfort level’ associated with conventional   necessary learning/development to overcome any
               work, he/she gains practical knowledge on how   identified shortcomings/challenges. Additionally, he/
               to operate a 3D-printer and learns about the finer   she also carries out informal engagement sessions
               points of its maintenance. An even more ambitious   regularly with his/her team that are meant to be a
               person might buy one for home/personal projects,   ‘two-way’ approach to ‘mending’ any ‘tears’ in the
               rather than just be content with using the one at   ‘psychological contract’. Furthermore, he/she takes
               work.                                          an active interest in astutely exploring the changing
                                                              nature of employment and career progression within
               Conquer                                        banking and strives to take timely remedial measures
               This pertains to operationalisation of the finely-  that open up new possibilities or broaden current
               tuned approach for maximising the benefits from   options for his/her continued relevance in the Digital
               prioritisation of desired course of action(s). It   age, rather than lumbering along on the ‘depreciating’
               includes devising viable steps that effectively cater   strength of his/her past accomplishments.
               to all areas of concern and provide a balanced
               approach to achieving clearly defined goals/   Parting thoughts
               objectives. It is welcoming of all meaningful   The aforementioned approach serves as a timely
               measures that assure a progressive stride and   guide/enabler for a cognisant seasoned professional
               illuminates the path to sustainable success.   to proactively self-improve and self-adjust in view
                 For example, a veteran interior designer uses   of the sweeping changes taking place within the
               YouTube to provide visual context to a practical   relevant corporate realm. It requires an honest
               demonstration of various decorative styles that   self-reflection, the humility to admit the need for
                                                              change, the courage to come out of the comfort
               positively reflect inherent skills/knowledge and   zone, the astuteness to overcome challenges with
               then tracks the relevant metrics to analyse the   creative solutions, and an unwavering commitment
               effectiveness of such initiatives. Additionally, he/she   to persevere till the attainment of desired goals/
               features the associated link(s) to respective video(s)   objectives. Will you commit?
               on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to gain more
               traffic and build a loyal following. Furthermore, he/
               she writes/blogs for influential publications as a   Murad Salman Mirza is a Committed Organisational
               conduit for promoting his/her business and engages  Architect, Positive Change Driver, Unrepentant
               in active participation/networking during high-  Success Addict and a globally published author
               visibility professional forums.                based in the United Arab Emirates.

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