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Challenge and so forth. However, his/her suggestions
This pertains to deep self-reflection and an intrinsic seem at odds with the way things are preferred
call to progressive action for realising the desired in that person’s organisation. This could include
interpretation of a successful career. It entails doing encouragement to question the supervisor’s
a thorough gap-analysis of current practices by judgment in case of a better option, being bolder
questioning/reviewing/assessing the conventions/ with voicing innovative ideas, not shying away
norms/traditions/status-quo for accomplishing from being the ‘rebel’ in case of employing
desired goals/objectives and coming up with the unconventional approaches to work, shedding the
strategic imperatives that are aligned with the ‘groupthink’ mindset to forge a distinct identity
‘personal’ and the ‘organisational’ vision and buoyed by intrinsic talent and so on. Therefore, a
mission. more prudent course of action would be to rationally
For example, a seasoned sales professional evaluate the ‘on-ground’ realities of the current work
used to conducting successful in-person sales environment while charting the future course of
primarily through product brochures/PowerPoint action(s) by gaining information and expertise from
presentations, might feel marginalised in a Digital more ‘relevant’ sources and then applying one’s
world that is gravitating towards the use of Virtual own sound judgment in taking ‘sound and robust’
Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR)/holographic decisions.
projections in terms of gaining additional business
by leveraging a heightened sense of the ‘customer Consume
experience’ factor. Therefore, unless he/she takes This pertains to processing qualitative/quantitative
a proactive interest in upgrading his/her skill set data and gaining a good comprehension of the
with respect to such technological innovations and implications of operationalising a selected course
reconfiguring the art of persuasion accordingly; of action(s). It demands an ‘open’ accommodation
there is a strong chance that he/she will be looking of facts that frees the mind to the possibility of
at increasingly slimmer prospects of a long and alternative thinking. It involves doing research and
prosperous career. gathering information with respect to costs/benefits
analysis for attaining a self-assuring comfort level
Channelise with respect to taking calculated risks.
This refers to utilising the gap-analysis from the For example, an enterprising marketing
previous stage to explore, examine and study professional reviews available literature and
available options and narrowing focus on goals/ multimedia tools to study the prevailing trends,
objectives/efforts/initiatives/measures that have futuristic projections and views of associated
the highest probability of success. It requires rising experts to realise his/her own career prospects with
above pre-conceived notions and the ‘noise’ respect to the evolving demands of the Digital age.
generated from ‘solicited/unsolicited’ advice from This could also include having informal discussions
‘well-wishers’/pseudo-experts that is not firmly with prominent guidance counselors and talent
grounded in facts and often floated during informal
discussions. management/HR Professionals for gaining insights
For example, a retired family member with a into charting a successful career within the chosen
successful career before the Digital era suggests profession or taking a calculated risk of switching
a ‘proven’ path for steadily climbing the corporate careers to stay relevant in the long run.
ladder to a person involved with the tech industry.
His/her advice might include not questioning the Calibrate
supervisor’s judgment, being careful with innovative This refers to conditioning yourself in preparation
ideas, reinforcing a ‘good soldier’ image, siding for the consequences of taking the selected course
with the majority, refraining from excessive limelight of action(s) with respect to the previous stage. It
HR FUTURE · JUNE 2018 23