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Performance management

               As per the above table, the three most common   earned. Performance goals and progress must also
               reasons for PM system failure are the lack of ability   continuously be revised to ensure that the employee
               of leadership to act as coaches and mentors and   is still on track to reaching the overall goal.
               initiate discussions that are procreative, the lack
               of ability of leadership to differentiate performance   2. Train managers in becoming better
               levels and provide constructive feedback, and the   coaches
               inability of management to review performance on a   When managers are not good coaches, the PM
               continuous basis.                               system is not trusted overall. Employees view the
                 Despite research conducted extensively pertaining   PM system as fair when they are treated like human
               to PM and PM systems, there is one extremely    beings. This has led to the trend of managers
               important factor that, despite its criticality, is a hidden   taking on a coaching or mentoring role. Managers
               force. Despite re-contemplating, restructuring,   (or coaches) as mentioned before, have the role of
               redesigning and re-implementing performance     assisting in goal creation and continuous revision
               systems, without addressing this single factor, your   of these goals. The constant feedback leaves
               performance system is destined for failure.     employees feeling more confident and enabled.
                 What is the most important, hidden factor when it   It is therefore important to build the confidence
               comes to implementing a PM system?              of managers so that they are able to fairly assess
               The long awaited answer is a simple eight word letter   performance as well as to boost it. Managers should
               … fairness.                                     be trained on delivering not-so-favourable news and
                 For a PM system to work, it needs to be perceived   convert it to being productive towards the company
               as fair by both managers and employees. There   goals.
               are three simple steps you can take to achieve
               perceptions of fairness of the PM system, and   3. Focus on remuneration
               managers play a key role:                       Remuneration and incentivisation may seem pretty
               1 Managers should be trained in line with linking   straight forward- reward the quality and output of
               employee goals to the business objectives;      work. For instance, the salesperson that makes the
               2 Effective coaching; and                       most sales should be rewarded the most. However,
               3 Focus on remuneration.                        it is trickier to conclude the right benchmarks or
                                                               to make a distinction between top, bottom and
               Fairness is quite a subjective term. A PM system   middle performers when employees are required
               that is “fair”, relies on the perceptions of the   to work in teams, when the roles of the employees
               stakeholders involved. There are different types of   are dependent on one another and it is difficult to
               fairness and, in this context, procedural fairness   deduce the efforts of each individual. Balanced-
               is the topic of conversation. Procedural fairness   measurement approach is therefore the solution.
               refers to the perceived fairness in a process rather   Commonly, when there is a vast amount of
               than the outcome. In this case, perceived fairness   performers in the middle-range, organisations tend
               will be achieved when the PM system is well-    to opt for eliminating performance rating systems. It
               designed and functions in a manner that is fair. A   is advised to rather keep performance ratings so that
               study conducted by McKinsey research revealed
               that 60% of employees, who rated the PM system   employees can understand the measure by which
               as fair, furthermore proclaimed that it was effective.   their pay is derived from. This also leads to higher
                                                               levels of perceived fairness.
               It is therefore important to focus on fairness when   Pay parity is achieved when employees all earn
               implementing or redesigning your performance    a base salary that is aligned with the market rates.
                                                               JEasy Paterson Points, for instance, is a system
               How to boost perceptions of fairness            that gathers data from all the various industries
                                                               and jobs in the markets and finds a benchmark for
               with your PM system                             what the employee in a similar category should be
               1. Link employee goals to the business          paid. Aligning with these rates is what assists in the
               objectives                                      perceived fairness of remuneration of an employee
               A PM management system that links employee      on an external basis.
               goals to company goals is one that is a success in   On an internal basis, employees of the same
               the making. Employees perceive fairness when a   groupings (such as middle-performers) should be
               reciprocal relationship exists. When personal goals   remunerated similarly. Since it is not considered as
               are acknowledged and respected, they can be     contradicting the law to question a fellow colleague
               shaped in a way to obtaining company goals. This   about their salary, if two performers of the same level
               way, employees feel valued and well-treated. By   earn a different income, the system will be perceived
               allowing employees the freedom of shaping their   as unfair and will have little effect on employees as
               own goals, employee engagement is likely to be   well as decreased motivation.

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