Page 32 - demo
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Case study
eginning with DVD-based learning in 2014, audiences – with different session leaders, the
our e-learning platform now offers 250 variations expand exponentially. Developing an in-
custom-made modules that also feature house e-learning platform has enabled us to ensure
animation and interactive learning, with that everybody hears the same words from the same
Bfunctionality improving all the time as fibre source, allowing both alignment to standards across
is rolled out to stores. In effect, this has become the an international brand and localisation.
company’s in-house version of the popular MOOCs The highly interactive platform uses a lot of
(massive open online courses), pioneered in the video, animation and some gamification. This has
USA from 2008 and expanding rapidly in 2012 and been introduced by Beverley Slabbert, recruited in
2013 with the global launch of Udacity, Coursera and October 2013 for her combined skills in training,
FutureLearn. website design and development. Following her
As a franchise company, Cash Converters regularly 2014 pilot, half the Cash Converters stores were
needs to upskill existing staff as well as offer training introduced to the new e-learning platform over the
for new franchise owners, their management and next year. The value of the programme encouraged
staff who all need to be trained whenever a new store uptake by the remainder, with more than 1,300 staff
is opened. E-learning also addresses the challenges from both head office and stores interacting on the
of ensuring training quality control and the resource- platform.
intensive nature of training across multiple regions “All of our stores now have access to powerful
and with high retail staff turnover. networks that are always online, thanks to two
Even with manuals, workbooks and other set failsafe devices,” says Slabbert. “This means staff
curricula notes, the same session leader might deliver can now download our training app onto their
live training in different ways responding to different smartphones in-store, then log into their profile
30 JUNE 2018 · HR FUTURE