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Case study
and load their next module to catch up on offline with compliance records since it logs when a staff
whenever and wherever suits them.” member worked on the module and passed the
All modules are kept deliberately short, with a assessment.
preferred maximum length of 15 minutes and a goal
of five to 10 minutes. A few are unavoidably longer Four tips for in-house learning
though, says Slabbert. 1. Your e-learning platform must be designed and
The curriculum is broadly divided by role, offering built for your end user, the staff member. You might
each staff member his or her dedicated modules. love cool, fancy or amazing functionality but your
Using techniques familiar to many staff members end user might not be comfortable with it. It could
from platforms such as Netflix, each staffer sees a then overwhelm technophobes and frighten them off
personalised home page on the curriculum planner so they don’t come back;
that tallies how much of each section and the overall 2. Start simple to get even the most reluctant users
curriculum has been covered or is outstanding. happy using the e-learning platform – then switch on
Over the past year, social-media techniques
familiar to users of Facebook, Instagram and FitBit, added functionality as they become confident;
for example, have been built in to offer e-learners 3. The person responsible for the success of your
points and badges for progress and the ability to e-learning platform should be someone excited
“like” modules and posts. In turn, this means that by the potential of technology, an active social-
user analytics can enable content to be flagged media user, and who cares about people learning
as “suggested for you”, “popular in your network” effectively; and
or with high “like” ratings, while pinpointing for the 4. He or she should not be an IT geek and does not
administrator any content that needs tweaking or need to code. Anybody in a training position should
revising. be able to oversee the platform.
Our e-learning platform is an all-round winner. It
ensures all staff receive the same training standards
and content, flags strong performers for fast tracking Richard Mukheibir is the CEO of Cash Converters
and those who need extra help, and also assists us Southern Africa,
HR FUTURE · JUNE 2018 31