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1. Research of target candidate market System, pulling reports and so on.
As with product marketing, organisations need Universum’s White Paper on Using Social Media
to take the time to identify and research their for Talent Attraction states that 65% of global
candidate audience properly, that is, generation mix, organisations cite that they will increase their social
demographics, location, reach, purchase intent and media spend in the next five years and 64% of
so forth, understanding that users prefer different organisations in South Africa confirm that they utilise
channels. Upon collecting these insights, one can social media to recruit candidates – this clearly
effectively communicate the right content that will confirms what great opportunity exists for innovative,
engage ones targeted candidates. next generation recruitment marketers. Is this not
great insight that recruitment marketers, both in
2. Content and messaging companies and agencies, should get ahead of their
The company career site is one of the central game and capitalise on!
online places that candidates will visit in search of
company information, therefore it’s imperative that 4. Measurements/Metrics/ROI
it is professionally presented, informative and well With recruitment marketing, you need to be able
equipped with your employer value proposition to measure the performance of content, channels,
and relevant information for candidates to make an traffic and recruiter activity versus time, money and
informed decision. Companies are shifting towards resources. Organisations need to understand their
utilizing interactive content such as infographics, goals and challenges, ensuring that they set, monitor
job videos and games to engage candidates versus and benchmark quantifiable Key Performance
pages of text copy. A great example is how Deloitte Indicators that is, traffic to applicant conversion,
has utilised an interactive recruitment video to best performing channels to hire, recruiter activity,
educate potential candidates on their company growth of talent pool, candidate following and/or
culture when running their Graduate Recruitment engagement, time to hire etc.
Well written Job Descriptions/Advertisements are “Push Approach”
as equally important when marketing to prospective This proactive approach is about building, engaging
candidates, with recruiters needing to not only and nurturing your own dedicated candidate
ensure that they’ve thoroughly unpacked the job community ensuring that you continue your
brief, but also established what the potential value discussions with them irrespective of whether you
proposition is to recruiting the right candidate. are able to offer them employment or not. It’s about
keeping your talent network informed, engaged and
3. Media Channel Selection excited about your company culture, CSR initiatives,
Whilst South African recruiters are limited to the programmes, newsworthy items and overall
amount of job boards and distribution sites at their employer brand. Talent teams need to have a clear
disposal, these sites are re-engineering themselves understanding of their audience in order to build a
on an ongoing basis to meet their audience’s needs. talent pool via candidate relationship management
Recruiters need to be selective when making their through informative emails, content rich newsletters,
channels of choice, ensuring that they optimise their among others. For organisations to move away from
budgets by way of monitoring their point of entry a transactional mindset of recruiting to proactive
through data tracking on their Applicant Tacking candidate relationship management, they need
36 JUNE 2018 · HR FUTURE