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HR tech

                        ith the rapid advancement of Artificial   training, employee engagement levels and absence
                        Intelligence and accessibility of   analysis, the expectations of the C-Suite are fast
                        analytical tools in the workplace,   moving towards seeing the impact these metrics
                        especially having an ever increasing   have on the business, which can only really be
            Wpresence in HR, many a doomsayer               achieved when combined with other related data – for
            is predicting the demise of the HR team. It would   example, seeing staff turnover in relation to employee
            however be far more accurate to rather predict the   performance.
            end of the HR function as we know it!             In the example of a standard staff turnover metric,
              If we look at how the HR function is currently   where the measurement is usually just a percentage
            viewed by and large, it is a team that has, for many a  to be compared with a national or industry average.
            year now, been predominantly focused on performing  Through the application of true data analytics
            those tiresome administrative tasks with regards to   (business intelligence) the issue of whether staff
            company policy issues, employee queries, employee   turnover is higher than the norm becomes less
            processes, data capturing and reporting. Well,   relevant especially when looked at in conjunction with
            it is with a great sigh of relief that this is all finally   other related employee data. For example, if the data
            changing, thanks to the huge leaps in technology,   shows that the bulk of staff leaving are in fact poor
            which enable HR solutions to be delivered with   or below average performers, then this turnover rate
            embedded intelligence and analytics as part of core   although higher than the norm, is actually a rather
            functionality.                                  healthy situation!
              This major shift in the focus of new age HR     By having access to this level of insight through the
            solutions does, of course, mean that members of the  combination of various areas of data (often across
            HR team will need to start growing their skills sets   various systems), and having the analytical capability
            in order to ensure that the HR function as a whole,   to drill down into the detail, starts providing a far more
            becomes focused in assisting business leaders in   meaningful view on the impact to the organisation,
            achieving their strategic goals.                as opposed to being just static metrics from which
              These new skills will empower the HR team to   the management often make erroneous business
            start providing insights to business leaders, enabling   decisions as the data used is often derived from
            them to start making more accurate business     meaningless numerical calculations that just produces
            decisions and projections based on the HR team’s   metrics, without any context to other relevant data.
            understanding of the strategic goals of the business.   Ultimately, the HR team needs to ask themselves:
            These insights, combined with traditional metrics that  “What can we, as HR Professionals, do to prepare
            focus on the standard transactional indicators, will   ourselves for these predicted changes?” What the
            ensure that HR starts playing a more strategic role in   experts are saying all boils down to one tactic: self-
            the organisation.                               development. Individuals in the HR team might feel
              In essence, HR Professionals are now required   that they have already concluded many years of
            to transition themselves into true HR Business.  study to achieve their current positions, and therefore
            Professionals, that is, valued business partners,   require no further skills, without realising that with
            who not only understand the implications of their   the world of work rapidly changing, no one should
            “people based” decisions from an HR perspective,   rest easy on their laurels, as they could easily find
            but more importantly understand the implications   themselves out in the cold when it comes to career
            these decisions will have on the overall strategy and   progression.
            operations of the business.                       In conclusion, one of the major differences we see
              Not only are the current roles within the HR team   evolving, is that HR is no longer a career that people
            changing, but new roles are now also emerging, two   can just fall into, but is rather becoming a function
            of these being the HR Data Analyst and the Chief HR  where additional qualifications focusing on the areas
            Information Officer, which need to be filled by staff   such as People Analytics, Business Management
            who not only understand the business of HR, but   and Business Intelligence are becoming mandatory in
            more importantly understand data. These roles will   order to succeed.
            certainly become increasingly important, especially
            as organisations start relying more and more on the
            HR team to provide insights derived from HR data   Rob Bothma is an HCM Business Solution Architect
            as a whole, as opposed to just providing standard   at Oracle Corporation SA,, a Fellow
            transactional reports, metrics and statistics.   of the Institute of People Management and past
              So, although HR may already be providing the   non-executive director and Vice President of the IPM,
            organisation with some standard metrics, for    co-author of the 4th Edition of Contemporary Issues
            example, staff turnover ratios, cost of employee   in HRM.

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