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Immigration law

                      he Minister of Home Affairs recently, in   been acting since June 2014 as a receiving and
                      response to a written question in Parliament,  dispatching agent for the Department of Home
                      stated that the roll-out programme for   Affairs will expire, ostensibly, at the end of the current
                      e-Visas in South Africa will commence at the  year. The indication is that it will not be renewed, for
               Tend of the first quarter of the next financial   reasons primarily of the introduction of the e-Visa
               year, that is, by 31 March 2019.               system.
                 The statement further indicated that the “roll out   According to the written response by the Minister,
               programme” will be gradual, starting with Phase   the e-Visa system will run much along the following
               one, Release one, which entails applications   lines:
               for Temporary Residence Visas, Adjudication    “e-Visa introduces online capture of Visa and Permit
               of Temporary Residence Visas, applications for   Applications and capturing applicant’s biometrics
               Waivers, Notifications through the applicant via   in South Africa and abroad. An Application will be
               email and biometrics captured at the mission. The   captured and submitted online together with the
               e-Permit will be piloted at one mission or local office  required supporting documents that will be scanned
               in the last quarter of the next Financial Year by 31   and attached to the application. The applicant will
               March 2019. This is to ensure systems stability.   then present himself/herself before a DHA Official
               Once stable, more offices locally will be brought   for biometric enrolment, and verifications of the
               on-line.                                       submitted supporting documents is conducted at this
                 It is also important to note that the contract   stage. The application form together with supporting
               with Visa Facilitation Services “VFS” which has   documents and biometrics are then electronically

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