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More to life

                                  Fatigue affects your


               A lack of sufficient rest leads to a
               drop in productivity.

                        t the start of the year, everyone appears   a public road!
                        back at work fresh and rested, having   Apart from the role of sleep in managing fatigue,
                        had a good year-end break. As we hit the   another factor that plays a role is getting enough rest
                        halfway mark of the year, however, signs   between work sessions. It’s advisable to get at least
               Aof fatigue start appearing and productivity   eight hours of rest between work sessions and to not
               starts to take a knock.                        work for longer than five hours without taking a 30
                 Sadly, many high performers start suffering from   minute break.
               untreated fatigue which is caused by physical,   Have you ever noticed that what took you s-o-
               mental and other factors.                      o-o long to get done at the end of a day, took you a
                 Physical fatigue is something that is taken seriously   fraction of the time to do the next morning when you
               in commercial activities that require a high level of   were fresh? That’s the effect of fatigue. While you
               safety, such as the airline, road transport, mining and   might not be aware that you’re slowing down, you
               manufacturing industries. The medical profession   are. It’s therefore important to build into your working
               naturally also requires a high level of safety, and it has   routine the necessary rest breaks to ensure you can
               been heartening for me to have had the opportunity   maintain optimal performance levels.
               to conduct fatigue management for doctors training   If pilots are required to get specified rest periods
               at one of our country’s academic hospitals.    between flights, surely a similar principle should apply
                 But what about those who frequent board rooms   to executives and managers responsible for other
               and other positions of power who make decisions   people? I’m not suggesting that they should have as
               that affect the livelihoods and lives of thousands   much time off as pilots, but they must make a point
               of people in the public and private sectors? Yes,   of pacing themselves. The frenetic executive lifestyle
               they’re also susceptible to physical, mental and other   of 18-hour days are so last century. Companies
               fatigue. And their fatigue can affect their judgement   which consider themselves to be responsible
               and the decisions they make.                   employers who care for their staff should ensure their
                 Research in the airline industry has revealed that   executives and other staff get the rest they need to
                                                              perform at maximum potential.
               someone who has been awake for 17 hours has      This may require a significant mind shift for some
               the mental acuity of someone with a blood alcohol   people, but one of my medical colleagues makes a
               level (BAC) of 0.05 grams per 100 millilitres. In South   very strong case for sufficient rest enabling one to
               Africa, according to the National Road Traffic Act   get through a lot more than one would get through
               (NRTA), Act 93 of 1996 as amended, it is illegal   without rest. Rest is not for sissies. It’s for smart
               for someone with a BAC of 0.5 grams or higher to   people who want to deliver exceptional value in
               operate a motor vehicle on a public road.      everything they do!
                 So, next time your company has an “away”
               strategic planning session that gets everybody up
               at the crack of dawn and then pushes late into the   Alan Hosking is the Publisher of HR Future
               night with key decisions being made at 22:00 or   magazine, He helps leaders
               23:00 because the CEO says you’ve just got to suck   acquire new leadership skills to lead into the future,
               it up and get it done, be aware that the decisions   and is an age management and self-mastery coach
               are being made by people who fall into the same   to senior executives. Alan is the author of best seller
               category as people considered too drunk to drive on   What nobody tells a new father, available at

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